Children, since they are small, have an infinity of stimuli and that is why it is important to bring them closer to a new language. There will be several benefits that they will obtain if they learn a language from an early age, since in the long run they will be bilingual people. In an increasingly globalized world, the importance of communicating with others is basic and it is well known that English is the main language. Being able to share experiences with other cultures will open our minds. There are many benefits for children who are exposed to a new language.
    The use of play or art are basic, as well as the use of different and varied materials – Cristina González-Olaechea
    On the other hand, what would be necessary for children to learn to speak fluently? It is important to introduce them to different tools so that they can get practice. At school, they should be encouraged to love learning, from stories, games, songs, etc. Once the child feels comfortable and confident, other materials can be introduced from home with the help of parents. Children are like sponges and absorb everything. Therefore, we can help them into the unknown, making learning an art in the language. How can we help them learn without fear? Well, there are different ways for the child to learn properly. It is well known that there are different methodologies, however, I am going to tell from my own experience the materials that have been most useful to me when teaching a class so that it is not boring and is as enjoyable as possible. The use of flashcards is always positive because the child can learn new words through different games with them. From the classic face down card game where they will have to use their wits to remember the name and the correct pronunciation, to multiple games such as hide and seek or memory. Once the vocabulary we want them to learn has been introduced, we can move on to different games so that the use of the new vocabulary becomes established. To do this, we can introduce anything from bingo to hanging. It is important every time new words are introduced, try not to always play the same games as this can be boring for the child. In the variety we will learn what excites the child and thanks to this we will discover his likes and dislikes. It is advisable to use different games with the new vocabulary with a duration of about 20 minutes. Less will be unproductive and more will be detrimental as the child will not pay enough attention. Once we have worked on the new vocabulary, we will move on to what are called worksheets. In them, you can work from the most basic, such as relating concepts to a crossword puzzle where the child will have to see how to spell the word correctly and thus we will make the child memorize it and eventually write it properly. There are many methods that can be carried out, however, the use of games or art are basic, as well as the use of different and varied materials. In short, use different strategies knowing the different abilities of our students.